What Do Joe Biden’s First 17 Executive Orders Look Like?

Day 1 of the Biden Administration brought Joe signing 17 Executive Orders . What will that mean to the average American? An executive order is a signed, written, and published directive from the President that manages operations of the federal government. Executive orders are not legislation; they require no approval from Congress, and Congress cannot simply overturn them. Biden’s move to dismantle Trump’s policies is the most aggressive in modern history. On Trump’s first day he signed 2.

So what exactly did Biden sign and what will be the impact?

The Wall. Biden has halted funding for the construction of Trump’s border wall. Since Congress never approved any funding, most of the funding came from money earmarked for military construction and counter-narcotics programs. Currently, 11 different contractors are at work on 27 separate construction contracts. Approximately 10,500 jobs were created for workers and other businesses that supported the construction. POOF now the food truck guy is unemployed during the pandemic! But that’s not important to Democrats. Contractors will now need to seek a settlement with the government for labor, materials and salaries for those who instantly lost their income. Potentially the funding could go to greater electronic surveillance measures. Will it affect our national security? Probably not……Biden is already welcoming 10,000 illegals en route from Central America!!

Construction workers build a border wall in Mission, Texas, Monday, Nov. 16, 2020. President-elect Joe Biden will face immediate pressure to fulfill his pledge to stop border wall construction. But he will confront a series of tough choices left behind by President Donald Trump, who’s ramped up construction in his final weeks. (AP Photo/Eric Gay)

Biden rejoined the World Health Organization. Trump left the WHO because he felt China exerted too much pressure on the agency. The U.S. belongs at the WHO table involved in global decisions.

Biden’s Mask Mandate will require face coverings and physical distancing for everyone in federal buildings and on federal lands. The Biden administration says it’s “an illustration of the government leading by example” after Trump and his aides flouted federal public health guidance. Give me a break……but it doesn’t apply to Nancy Pelosi or California’s Governor Newsome! I guess he also forgot about the Mandate while he SIGNED the Mandate!!

Eviction and Foreclosure Moratoriums……Fine…..most states already did this. Biden’s is only until March.

Student Loans the action will pause the the accrual of interest and principal payments on federal student loans until Sept. 30……Fine….I’m ok with that….down the road he’ll probably write them off completely…..I wonder if all of us who paid for 15 years will get our money back??

Rejoining the Climate Agreement…Obama era stuff…Think satisfying AOC and the New Green Deal…..AND extraordinarily having your tax dollar “save the world”.

Revoking Keystone XL Pipeline Canadian officials have already registered a protest over the planned move, with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau voicing concern that Canada’s interests aren’t being considered. Good job Joe….alienate Canada and take away some MORE jobs!

Fuel Standards, and Use of Federal Lands Some more appeasement of the tree huggers. The Trump administration looked to reduce requirements, calling them excessively burdensome or expensive for businesses and consumers. Look to paying more for gas, cars and trucks as we return to an era of strangling regulations. As for federal lands, expect a moratorium on all oil and natural gas leasing activities in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Under Trump America was ENERGY INDEPENDENT for the first time in our history!

Revisiting Trump’s Regulatory Agenda The incoming administration has also compiled a list of more than 100 agency actions taken during the Trump administration for review, in what could result in a massive regulatory revision. If Trump did it , it HAS to be bad and turned back!!

Scrapping the Travel Ban….Don’t even get me started on this one. The terrorists are celebrating in the streets and just may end up in a neighborhood near you soon!

Counting Noncitizens for the U.S. Census…ok…so you’re not a citizen…I’m ok with “counting” you….BUT this is a change that could affect how congressional seats and Electoral College votes are apportioned for the next decade!! Can you say “steal” an election????

Sanctuaries and the DACA Program Biden plans to repeal a Trump executive order that sought to crack down on undocumented people. Trump had proposed withholding funding from so-called sanctuary jurisdictions, cities and counties that don’t allow their police to cooperate with immigration authorities. Did you know that in SANCTUARY CITIES if police stop a criminal and they are an “illegal” they CAN’T call Immigration Authorities? YUP People will be lining up for tickets to Portland, Seattle, San Francisco and NYC! Biden also will seek to strengthen the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program that provides deportation protections to immigrants brought to the country illegally as children. Fine……..kids don’t need to be punished and deserve all the help in the world.

Protecting Liberians Who Fled Civil War That’s “Liberians”…..not Librarians” like I FIRST thought it was LOL. 20 years ago Liberia had a civil war….Trump contended Liberia was now improved and they should return. Kind of ludicrous Donald….even I think this is a little ridiculous.

A whole government “racial equity” review. This is to be headed up by Susan Rice who said, ““The president-elect has promised to root out systemic racism from our institutions,” Fine…..spend some more of our tax dollars so we can all feel “good” again.

Closing Down the 1776 Commission The 1776 Commission was an advisory committee established in September 2020 by then-U.S. President Donald Trump to support his view of “patriotic education.” Trump said students in US universities are ‘inundated with critical race theory, a Marxist doctrine holding that America is a wicked and racist nation’, and the new project would teach the youth to ‘love America.’ This was largely a political move by Trump. The federal government can’t dictate school curriculum on the State level.

New Protections Against Discrimination It prohibits workplace discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation. I thought we already had that?? Fine.

Ethics Rules for Political Appointees…Really? on Day 1 Joe? Was this EVER really necessary to put in writing? OH but WAIT…..I wonder if this will cover the “ethics” of making business deals with Russian oligarchs?????

So there you have it….a typical liberal day of dismantling. Better get used to it because EVERYONE in DC is happy Trump is gone. The “old boy” network of old white politicians is back and happy days are here again! Even Mitch is happy! Let’s not do what the Dems did for 4 years. I want to hear from bright, young thoughtful Americans that put US first. Your thoughts are welcome and please feel free to share.

Good Old Boys!

7 Replies to “What Do Joe Biden’s First 17 Executive Orders Look Like?”

  1. Good summary, Dr. J.
    There are some unanticipated consequences to some of his EOs. Example regarding discrimination. Based on this EO female transgender individuals can now compete with biological and identifiable females in sporting events. I find that discouraging to bio-females trying to compete on a level playing field. There is a new glass ceiling which was just lowered.

  2. Awesome summary – thanks Jon! I agree, whoever is elected I will respect. Last thing I’ll do is complain like the Dems for 4 years – learn how to take a loss.

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