Wake Up America……It’s OUR Turn To Fight For What We Believe In!!

This is no joke…it’s not funny or amusing. It’s BEYOND pathetic and we hear NOTHING but CRICKETS literally from BOTH political parties. What the HELL is going on in America????? I don’t know exactly what we should do….Here’s some of what’s going on….

1. Biden’s dementia is getting worse ……as I expected….he could barely finish a sentence at a FEMA meeting yesterday. https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1440640/Joe-Biden-Gaffe-Video-Mumble-Fema-Notes-Bloopers-Mistake-Latest-News-VN

2. Kamala Harris is NEXT in line…She was appointed to take charge of the border crisis over 60 days ago and STILL no visit or news conference! https://www.foxnews.com/politics/flashback-harris-southern-border-2018-migrant-role

3. NOW you’re starting to hear about Covid escaping the lab in Wuhan a YEAR after Trump talked about it….I wrote about it on drjonsicu.com over 2 weeks ago. Even Fauci now admits there was work funded by the U.S. being done in that lab!!

4. Florida has been functioning like there is no covid for over a year now and only 1060 new cases yesterday. Kids are in school over a year and businesses fully opened……and YET there are many Dem states STILL CLOSED! They WANT TO CONTROL YOU!!

5. You have multiple members of Congress SUPPORTING the terrorist Palestinian organization HAMAS who has been bombing Israel nearly daily for YEARS!! And the majority of Jews voted for the Democrats!! https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/the-squad-is-rooting-for-hamas/

6. Biden is re-entering talks with Iran on nuclear weapons. Iran is responsible for supplying HAMAS with missiles and would LOVE to see the total annihilation of Israel !

7. Consumer prices have jumped the most since 2009! Gas has DOUBLED to $3/gal Lumber is up 240%…..that means a $3 2×4 is now $8!! Housing is up 40% Inflation is going off the charts and stock and pension values are dropping! https://www.npr.org/2021/05/12/996286596/consumer-prices-jump-4-2-in-april-biggest-increase-since-financial-crisis-in-200

8. There were only 240,000 new jobs last month…..there were supposed to be 1,000,000!! And yet service industries can’t find anyone to work since everyone is collecting WELFARE!!

9. They want you to carry a “vaccine passport”! Do you realize what a slippery slope THAT is??? https://drjonsicu.com/just-say-no-to-the-vaccine-passports/

10. They want children and child bearing age women who are at virtually NO RISK to get an experimental vaccine that is showing more side effects every day.

I’ll be writing more about these things in coming days on my blog Dr. Jon’s ICU (Intelligent Conversation Underground) drjonsicu.com I’ve already got posts on nearly every one of these topics. I’m considering starting to put together some grass roots demonstrations, greater involvement in political parties and outright campaigning for what WE BELIEVE IN. This is serious business and 6 months of this administration is MORE than enough. We MUST take back Congress to limit what’s coming under Kamala Harris. There is no way Biden will ever finish 4 years. THIS IS YOUR WAKE UP CALL. Our parents did what they needed to do to protect America…..NOW it’s OUR TURN. Please share….and let’s have a REAL conversation of what we need to do. It’s not too late…………………….

THEY HAVE TO GO!!! The SWAMP is back !!

2 Replies to “Wake Up America……It’s OUR Turn To Fight For What We Believe In!!”

  1. You forgot to mention china thats right I did not capitalize. These people have a 100 year plan. They look farther down the road then us stupid Americans. When are we going to wake up the writing is all over the wall. Boycot china boycott American companies that do business in china. Buy only if you absolutely need it. Demand products made in America. It can and needs to be done. That is what I believe our number 1 threat.

    1. China and the size of it’s population, natural resources and completely different culture which has lasted thousands of years will undoubtedly continue for another 1000 years while the U.S. appears to be nearing the end of it’s empire. Thank you for reading!

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