The Alternate Universe We’re Living In

I found this video this morning and it makes me so incredibly angry on SO MANY LEVELS. I couldn’t possibly give a better example of why we are in this draining daily grind of a worldwide pandemic that seems like it will GO ON FOREVER. Bill De Blasio is the mayor of the most influential city in the world. THAT FACT alone should strike fear into your heart when you think about the fact that HIS PARTY….the Democrats are on the threshold of holding the Presidential office with a cognitively impaired 77 year old! Forget about Trump for just a minute. Bill De Blasio says in this video that it’s NOT OK for social gatherings, parades, the U.S. OPEN……BUT………are you sitting down? Black Lives Matter demonstrations WILL BE ALLOWED because they are MORE IMPORTANT than the health implications of COVID. YES… read that right and will get to hear it with your own two ears in the link below. These are the people who want to run America. The circus currently handling Covid policy in the US aren’t any better. No consistent message, no universal guidelines, no policy, no plan…….”Let’s just wing it”. Yes TRUMP……this means YOU. I’m going to lose my mind if I hear one more opinion on MASKS……..Here’s the simple policy: “If you are in public around others and you aren’t eating or drinking WEAR THE MASK” Wake up Americans…….stop screaming about losing your Constitutional Rights and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! Don’t accept the BS candidates you are given…..what you think you’ll “win” today by electing a “dumpster” over Trump will come back and bite you in the ass VERY quickly. There are plenty who believe that Biden is simply a figurehead to put in place so the Vice President candidate can take over……NOT any more foolish a theory than demonizing Bill Gates for attempting to have LESS children die on the planet from preventable diseases…..but that’s a discussion for another day. So watch this video and ask yourself “What UNIVERSE are we living in???” DeBlasio is just the tip of the iceberg…..and the Republican party are just as complicit in their looking the other way instead of DEMANDING the best candidate during this incredible S _ _T Show America has become!

4 Replies to “The Alternate Universe We’re Living In”

  1. Hey Jon,
    Never before in our country’s colorful history have we had a more perfect example of being forced to choose between two evils in the upcoming election. To clarify, I think Trump is evil and Biden does show disturbing signs of cognitive impairment. My thinking: Trump has essentially fired everyone in and around the white house who has the capacity for independent thought and filled those positions with “Yes men and women” (regardless of their qualifications). I do believe Biden has enough sense to surround himself with people more capable than himself to effectively get the job done. The reality is that these are our two choices. Time to dump this antiquated system.

    1. I’m pretty disgusted with Trump at this point. I liked the direction the country WAS going economically…but his ego has pretty much become unbearable….I just don’t know why the REAL people involved haven’t had a “sit down” with him since it’s likely Biden will win and the growth of the economy will slam to a halt. POOF

  2. So the protests are allowed. Ok. Can I scedule a “protest” and have a live band there entertaining the protestors? Can we continue having outdoor concerts and parties or funerals and church/religious meetings … as long as we call them “PROTESTS”? And who decides what is what? What details does a protest make? Who enforces this all? What ramifications or consequences are there?

    1. Apparently they make the rules up on the fly for whatever is the most politically beneficial for the party in charge…..public health policy be damned!! And BOTH sides are playing this deadly game at our expense!!

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