NEW Dr. Jon’s ICU Format!

After writing my blog for the last 2 years I’ve decided to change up the format a bit. A lot has certainly happened over these last 24 months, most of it pretty miserable. It’s become more clear than ever that the lunacy of the Left has only gotten more obvious to those of us that actually care about the America of our parents. That being said, I’ve decided to change my posts a bit for several reasons.

Disseminating honest, researched, unbiased information on my blog has become nearly impossible. It’s so abundantly clear that Facebook is censoring everything I either post or comment on. When I write anything even vaguely thought provoking I now get maybe a dozen or so “replies” and two or three comments. 2 years ago I would get literally hundreds. Of course part of that is because all the “never Trumpers” have all fallen off the face of the Earth! Nothing but “crickets” from them now! As for other outlets to publicize my blog…..Instagram is part of Facebook, I really don’t understand Twitter, MeWe never got off the ground and Truth Social (Trump’s social network) can’t even manage to have an Android version after 2 years!!

With this in mind I plan on writing shorter articles, commentaries and opinions. I also plan on journeying into the 22nd century and trying some podcasts…..Of course with the help of a “20-30 something”. In the past I’ve written pretty deeply researched and annotated pieces that take me literally hours and I’ve come to the conclusion that most of them are too long for people to fully read……which I totally understand. It seems that now that I’m mostly retired I can’t find any time either.

If you enjoy my blog I’d appreciate any “sharing” that you can do on your end to make this blog more effective. Why do I write it? Mostly because I love what America USED to be and want to try and salvage what’s left. Is that a bit dramatic? Hopefully, but I’ve got my doubts about turning around this national Titanic. I will continue to write about politics, medicine, opinions and whatever strikes me on a given day. I’d LOVE more of your input on topics and welcome those of ANY political party to write rebuttals and alternate opinions that I’ll be happy to share… long as they are civil.

It’s only 70 days to Midterm Elections. Charlie Crist is running against Ron DeSantis here in Florida and his running mate supports masking your children, Critical Race Theory and closing down schools again at any hint of Covid. That’s just for starters.

Thanks for reading and your support. Let’s make this work even better. INTELLIGENT CONVERSATION UNDERGROUND!! Podcast to follow SOON!!

Remember…..Enjoy yourself….It’s later than you think!!

8 Replies to “NEW Dr. Jon’s ICU Format!”

  1. Social media itself is on the down turn,

    The reason people are not responding is because Trump should be on the short list for formal charges soon enough. That is unless you have zero idea what the laws are regarding classified documents.

    You have been conned by this psycho and are falling for it still. You really need to back up and look at what you are falling into to realize that you are in fact falling for a con artist.

    1. You clearly have Trump embedded in your hard drive. I suggest a little therapy for that so that you can think about something else. I appreciate your reading my blog. Perhaps you’d like to comment on my post today as I welcome open discussion about the direction of America. As for classified documents, if they were so earth shattering and a threat to America tell me why the FBI spread them out on the floor so they could be photographed and distributed to the media??? WHY was the raid done in secrecy with no attorneys present. Is it POSSIBLE that documents could be “planted” under those circumstances? Or do you simply trust the government? Questioning minds would like to know. Just curious……what do you think of the likely candidate Ron DeSantis?

      1. You realize your questions show you literally have zero idea how these procedures are done right? Makes sense since you are a former doctor and not anything in the Federal Policing or investigation fields. Probably have zero experience in any court rooms on the evidence side.

        But I mean, makes sense to hear stupid questions like your photography one. Oh that the search was done how it was FYI standard procedure for everyone. You would get the exact same treatment. Nothing was planted you quack. You really are reaching it is kinda funny.

        But then again a quack doc who thinks the DOJ executing a valid search warrant under exacting specific standards and procedures that would be the same on any citizen. Is somehow a problem because it happened to the con golden calf of yours.

        All good. When he finally is indicted and convicted. Well …

        1. BTW……how about a $10,000 bet he never gets indicted and convicted? Put your money where your mouth is and stop posting anonymously.

      1. Lol so concerned you looked up IP source on an anonymous poster who bounces though other IPs. So useful.

        As for masks, I mask when masking makes sense just like they do in other nations. One would think an MD would understand the concept but alas…

        1. Tell me about your reluctance to having actual civil debate without all the name calling? If you’re not interested I think your energy might be better directed elsewhere. I’m completely comfortable with my space in this universe and my place in God’s eyes.

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