Just Say No To The Vaccine Passports !

I’m not sure what we learned most during the past year. How to medically handle a pandemic? Not really! There has never been a consensus from the CDC, NIH, WHO about masks, treatments, testing or ANYTHING about it. How to stock enough food, water and toilet paper during a crisis? Not really. How to re-open businesses, schools, churches and recreational facilities? Nope. Some states like Florida have probably done the best job of this DESPITE continued skepticism and criticism of those still hiding in their basements in NY/NJ/PA……and Washington D.C. So what HAVE we learned? That ENTIRE SOCIETIES can be SHUT DOWN and CRUSHED by governments! Never has the ENTIRE WORLD folded so easily and quickly without a whimper. I’m not sure whether there really is a “New World Order”, “Illuminati”, “Rockefellers” or if Bill Gates is behind a diabolical vaccine plan for the world. But I DO know that Big Tech like Facebook, Twitter and all the other Anti-Social media found out A LOT during this about CONTROLLING society through propaganda! And NOW we’re being told we’ll soon have “Vaccine Passports”…….where do I even start?

First of all the decision to take this new, minimally tested vaccine is not an easy one…..or at least it should be taken only after serious consideration and understanding; a lot of which I’ve tried to provide here. I wanted to wait awhile myself to see how performed over time but made the decision to get it when I felt the benefit FOR ME outweighed the risks. Does EVERYONE need it? In my opinion NO. If you are young and healthy with an intact immune system you’ll be better off making your OWN antibodies. If you are over 65 I don’t think you should risk getting Covid. For children in the old days they used to have “chickenpox” parties so they’d all get it at once and be done with it. Imagine that today? Not a chance….this is a generation of hand sanitizers and not even knowing how to climb a tree!

So what is a “vaccine passport”? It would be a document that would certify a person is unlikely to either catch or spread a disease.  The proposed certificates would attest one of three things: that the holder has been vaccinated, has tested negative for the virus, or has recovered from it. The Biden administration is working with companies to develop such a structure. Supporters of the idea believe their use could allow governments to lift some pandemic-induced restrictions, allowing people to travel in planes, attend concerts, go to work, or dine out. Remember what I said about CONTROL?? Where’s your “measles” passport? Where’s your “flu” passport? How about your “sexually transmitted disease” passport?

How about just getting on with the business of getting vaccines to those that want them and reaching “herd immunity”? This means that MOST people MOST of the time — even those who can’t get vaccinated — won’t have to worry about the disease. In some instances I can see where proof of either previous illness or vaccination may be necessary such as medical fields or working with high risk populations. As for traveling why isn’t it up to YOU about protecting yourself if you’re at risk? The ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) has great reservations about the idea. They discuss the difference between a standardized system for presenting proof of vaccination, and a digital system for doing so. A standardized system is what we have currently….a card showing the type and date of your vaccination OR a printout of lab results showing immunity. A digital record would be one that is accessible on a phone app. They find the following problems that can happen:

  • A system that is exclusively digital, whether by design or as a practical matter, would be a nonstarter because it would increase inequality. Many people don’t have smartphones, including disproportionate numbers from some of our most vulnerable communities, such as people who are low-income, have disabilities, or are homeless, as well as more than 40 percent of people over age 65.  They go on to say the following in typical liberal fashion “Our health care system is already ridden with inequities from top to bottom; we don’t want to worsen that situation by closing off even more societal benefits from those who can least afford it, or who have reason to fear such a system — including immigrant communities and communities of color who are already subject to over-policing and surveillance.” UH OH JOE! Doesn’t seem to be a very PROGRESSIVE idea you have here!
  • “The digital elements of a vaccine credential system need to take a decentralized and open source approach that puts individuals in control of their credentials and identity data.” Why is that important? Well they go on to say “That could lock us into a bad standard as other parties that need to issue credentials piggyback upon it to offer everything from age verification to health records to hunting licenses to shopping accounts, memberships, and web site logins.” Can you say BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING???
  • They also say that it should not allow for tracking or the creation of new databases. Yeah…..right. They go on to say: “If some big company is getting notified any time someone reads one of your credentials, that would let them track your movements and interests — the stores, concerts, and transportation venues you visit, and much more. In the absence of airtight legal protections for privacy, any such information could then be sold for commercial purposes or shared with law enforcement. That would affect all of our freedoms, but will have a particular chilling effect on communities of color, including immigrant communities, that are already over-policed.” ARE YOU LISTENING JOE?
  • You can read the entire article here: https://www.aclu.org/news/privacy-technology/theres-a-lot-that-can-go-wrong-with-vaccine-passports/

Moving on. What are some of the other problems? What if you don’t WANT or CAN’T take the vaccine? Will you be “shut out” of society? Where and when will you be asked to show your “passport”? Just IMAGINE how overused this credential could become! It is perhaps UNIMAGINABLE. What about HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act). How about FAKE vaccine passports? You can already buy them on the dark web! Quick story……..I was changing car insurance companies the other day and a “claim” showed up that affected my new premium. The insurance company couldn’t tell me what the claim was and I couldn’t recall making one over the last 5 years. They told me I could get my credit report from Lexus-Nexis which I did. After a week I received a link to access it online. Are you sitting down? It was 186 PAGES LONG! The details it included were shocking. Every credit card I ever had with every payment history, every place I had ever lived or worked including dates, every bank statement, deed registration and mortgage date and amount! It was shocking and unbelievable.

We need to wake up and reclaim our freedom. If you don’t think the government, particularly under Biden isn’t using this pandemic to control you in ways you never imagined you are naive. It’s time to get OFF anti-social media, stop posting your every thought. Stop posting pictures of your meals. Stop doing EVERYTHING the government tells you to do without question. In short JUST SAY NO TO VACCINE PASSPORTS!

Have a great day and stay healthy. Remember…..It’s later than you think!

3 Replies to “Just Say No To The Vaccine Passports !”

  1. Dr Jon,

    I enjoy reading your missives and agree with many of your points. I’m afraid that we are just starting to see the larger plan and it is Control. Connecting a few dots is important before we go further. China has been busy buying influence in Washington. China is accused, by many of ,tampering in our election this past fall. The Biden’s in particular have plenty of damning stories, of collusion through Hunter, with the CCP ‘s military for one.

    With that in mind we can examine where this may be going. The CCP Chinese Communist Party has total control over their citizens through use of a scoring system based off social media and a digital system. It is so bad that they are fined if they have their cell phones off or not on them. Their right to purchase anything is from this base.

    Now look at what is starting to develop here in America. We have been sold out for a Chinese take over. Look how fast they are running to Socialism. We are about to be ruined like Russia was in 1916-17, when the Bolsheviks took power from the Czar all backed by JP Morgan. The purpose was to have Russia non competitive after WW1 because of their Communist economic system. Now they are in the process of taking our free market system and replacing it with Socialism.

    Of course I could be wrong.

    1. Thank you for reading Gene! I’m VERY disturbed and frightened by how quickly progressives are re-arranging America and selling it out to foreign interests, particularly China. We’re in VERY deep trouble and I’m not sure when the 72 million will wake up or will they? Thank you again and stay the course!
      Dr. Jon

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