July 6….Certainly not the Greatest Generation.

The amount of misinformation about virtually EVERYTHING on FB, in lots of the media, on YouTube and wherever you look is astounding. Even when good, valid information is presented logically there are so many people on here completely unwilling to even consider anything that doesn’t fit their narrative. History means nothing, real credentials means nothing, experts in their field mean nothing. They complain about conspiracies, fascism, racism, privilege and yet seem to show a complete lack of empathy or responsibility for any harm their behavior may cause to innocent folks…..CHOP or CHAZ…..destroying people’s businesses and livelihoods…..not wearing a mask because it infringes on their “Constitutional Rights”……these people probably don’t even know who WROTE the Constitution…..all about “me me me” and no regard for the fact that their selfish behavior MAY likely end up in their contracting COVID and then transmitting it to someone at risk that very well MAY DIE. ZERO empathy for that poor soul…..but let’s demonstrate and practically declare sainthood for strangers. We’re handing the baton off to this group….May God or whoever your deity is have mercy on the rest of us. I somehow doubt anyone will look back at them as the “Greatest Generation”.

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